Saturday, 26 March 2016

1,000 views special: Rod of Death

Sun Raider Phaerix gets killed by the Rod in Normal mode...

And again in the Class challenge...
Check out my video, 'Hitler Rants about Eater of Secrets'!
Link to video

Friday, 25 March 2016

25 Million Heroes Vs...

Now I understand why the Sen'jin High School team is called Gahr'zillas. If you had lined up 25 million heroes behind that poor Priest, Gahr'zilla would have no problem destroying all of them. Unless there was a Control Warrior.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Your legends shall not save you!

Your Legends shall not save you from the mighty Deathlord! 
Circle -> 7 Health
Naaru -> 8 Health
Double Divine Spirit -> 32 Health
Inmer Fire -> 32/32!
"I will fight with huge minions created by devastating spells"

Doomguard? Nah

I'd rather take Nerubian Egg on steroids. Extremely sad to see Nerubian Egg go next season. My AOE insurance card will be missed.
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