Saturday, 27 February 2016

OTK Murloc Pally wrecked by Piloted Sky Golem

You could imagine that guy's face when Murk-eye dropped from Piloted Sky. You could imagine his face again when this happened.

OTK Murloc Pally wrecked by Obsolete Tempo Priest

Mind Control wins game against OTK Murloc Pally! (Old Murk-eye was in the midst of attacking when this was captured)
I feel sorry for this guy... Probably was destroyed enough when this happened.

Friday, 26 February 2016

When Confessor gives you Majordomo...

Confessor (Note the flavor text)
heal-> Majordomo Executus
Uh oh. Opponent topdecks Big Game Hunter.
Luckily we still managed to win. DIE, INSECT!

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Your magic......

More Fun?
Even more fun?
(Actually just more funny screenshots)

If your deck contains no more than 1 of every card....

... Restore 3 Health to your hero. Not exactly what I would call a good play.
<Video> Hitler rants about Eater of Secrets

You deal 1 damage? I heal 4 damage!

Priest: You deal 1 damage? I can heal off 4 damage! (Justicar)
Freeze Mage, you got 1 Alexstrasza? I got 3 Alexstrasza!
Decklist for Control Priest can be found here on HearthPwn. (Opened in new window)